Monday, November 18, 2013

Workshop 2: Dynamics

Tuesday 19 Nov & Thursday 21 Nov
Tuesday we will share our work poster session style: divide in two groups, and all move around talking to each other about work during the class time. Thursday we will have a conversation about what we learned, noticed, thought about, and draw from the last class presentations. Make notes after Tuesday so you can run the discussion yourselves on Thursday.

graded assignments: paper, poster, learning analysis, logbook, prototyping

Five kinds of assignments are required in this class:
• a research paper with visual handout for workshop display (enough handout print-outs for all in class), • a research poster for workshop display, documented with digital pictures (hardcopy in class, electronic to be emailed), • a final learning analysis, • a logbook, • some techno-crafty prototyping activities, some done during class

The first three: paper, poster, learning analysis, allow you to position the work for the class in various frameworks, or knowledge worlds. In each of these you will work on research, analysis, and critical thinking. Some of this will be in traditional academic forms, some in emerging scholarly practices, but it is possible to combine these also with the techno-crafty delights cons have always shown off as well. And papers and poster projects may be be done with partners or individually, as you choose.

The logbook will help you organize your projects: when you started them, how many drafts you completed, who you worked with, where you are in what you have done, and what still needs to be done. It will be turned in four times during the semester (the first in time for early warning grades), and you won’t get credit for any assignments until the final version is turned in on the last day of class with the final version of the learning analysis. You can download a template for the logbook at:

·       Workshop 2: Dynamics in Our Field of Women’s Studies 

For our second workshop you will create either a paper & handout or poster & pics (whichever you did not do previously) in order to explore how feminists remember, participate in, and analyze the dynamics in our field of women’s studies. What is its history? What ways of analyzing power are best? How do particular disciplines locate the central concerns of women’s studies? How do feminist scholars share the work they do? You will explore two class texts carefully, and chose EITHER • to analyze Hewitt’s book through the analysis (eyes, lens) of Berger’s The Intersectional Approach OR • to analyze Berger’s book through the analysis (eyes, lens) of Hewitt’s No Permanent Waves • Berger’s collection demonstrates paradigm shifts in our field. NOTICE that it explores how to think THROUGH feminisms ABOUT feminisms. Hewitt’s book demonstrates that history doesn’t stand still. NOTICE and ask, why do we keep remaking our feminist pasts? No matter which of these approaches you take, also NOTICE that you will need to do some additional research. ALSO NOTICE how useful the Transforming Scholarship book is for thinking about these issues from a personal perspective. You may want to include analysis from it in your project as well. You will also need to use the web to follow-up or look in greater detail at the kinds of feminisms displayed here, other ways of thinking about histories of feminism, and ways all of these are promoted in popular and scholarly media. Always make a point of connecting projects to class readings and lectures.

Presenting and discussing in workshop mode means that by attending and listening we will all benefit from the hard work of everyone. Notice that both sorts of projects in both workshops should be begun several weeks ahead of their due dates. Not only do you need this time to do the additional research required, but to get good grades you need to • write papers in at least three drafts, and • plan out posters carefully to demonstrate both the results of your research and also how you got to those results.

How to practice reframing as a kind of analysis will emerge out of mini-lectures and their resources, so attending class faithfully and taking good notes will make this work a lot easier. Lecture materials are displayed on the class website, to be reviewed at any time. In college courses ALWAYS use your projects to demonstrate how you uniquely put together, or synthesize, class readings, mini-lectures and discussion. Make a point of displaying that you are doing all the reading and attending all the classes. Doing this clearly and carefully will demonstrate that this is your own work, and ensure your credit for honesty and for real engagement with the course.


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